Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I heard yesterday on John Tesh, that most people start diets in March (closer to swimsuit season!). Well, I haven't been doing my part in getting on the healthy track! Will be home today for ANOTHER snow day (this makes 4) so hopefully will get some meal planning done and some exercise on the Wii Fit! I really want to get going on that thing--okay, I WILL MAKE THAT HAPPEN TODAY! We attended the freshman orientation the other night for Hannah. One of the seniors that spoke had a great quote, "To do get somewhere you have never been, you have to do things you have never done." (That is a total paraphrase--should have written it down.) Anyway, it is so true! I have lost weight before and I have stuck with an exercise program and I have practiced healthy eating habits! So, it isn't like I have never been there before. I need to focus and remember how great it felt when I was doing those things! Okay, Laurel! GET GOING!