Monday, December 14, 2009

Ugh! and then smile

Well when that alarm went off at 4:40 this morning I wasn't real anxious to jump out of be so I admit I did hit the snooze--only once though! I was so glad when I got there--I told Mim Saturday night that I would be there and she was looking for me. It is great to have people to talk to when you exercise--really makes the time go faster. Not sure about tomorrow morning. Maybe that is when I need to do a little Wii exercise. Thinking I would like the Wii Fit but not sure I can handle it--everyone says it is a hard workout--but I could do that instead of Wellness on the really cold mornings or when they open at 5:30--can't quite get my crew moving fast enough when I get home after 6:30!
I thought someone had put toffee in my mailbox this morning--thankfully it wasn't!!!! I need to prepare myself to resist that stuff.
On with the day.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Lindsey and I celebrated our birthdays last night (with our husbands) --we had a great time visiting and EATING of course at The Ground Round. I decided the salmon with garlic mashed potatoes and brocolli was a great choice and it tasted awesome. I think I drank 3 glasses of ice water from the time we sat down until we left--it was busy and took awhile but that was okay--gave us plenty of talk time.
If you are doing an exercise that you do 10 repititions on try this--instead of counting to 10 say "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It really does help to get all 10 done without cutting the reps short! I'm looking for other verses that have 10 words also. Help me out if you know of any.

I decided to offer a challenge: Pick one thing this week that you want to change that would make you healthier. Now DO IT! We can't try to change everything at once so let's take the first step--one at a time. Like a baby learning how to walk (thinking of you Colby)we need to take the first step and when we feel confident on that we can take the second and so forth. Let me know what your first step is going to be and we can encourage each other.
Have a great day!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Officially Started!

Well, I am officially 49 which means I have a year to get this bod in shape. I have actually been feeling older than my age the past couple of months--I'm sure my lack of exercise and not eating right has been a huge factor. I spent an hour on the treadmill this AM at the wellness center and it felt great. I think I need to force my butt out of bed in the morning and get back on my routine of exercising before work because it doesn't seem to happen after work. My eating today has been pretty good. I find that if I keep myself busy and thinking about eating healthy, then I do pretty good. I keep looking at the skinny jeans in my closet and I really want to wear them. I actually feel pretty empowered when I eat right and exercise. I need to get the meal plan made for the family so we don't end up whipping up something that isn't the best just to have a meal on the table. The chiropractor told me to eat a banana or something high in potassium every day. Well, today I have eaten 3 bananas and stuck with the skim milk (which I love anyway). I also need to push the water, water, water!!! That is hard for me but I know it has great benefits.
A bunch of us have been reading about some women in the Bible during our lunch break. Right now we are reading about Tamar. That woman went through alot of trials but she also knew where her heart had to be. That alone will get us through anything we find tough--like losing weight and exercise. It is so much better when we have someone to exercise with or to make healthy eating choices with. I am really encouraged by that. I know God will give me the strength if I ask--which is what I forget to do sometimes--then I try to do it on my own--well, we know where that ends up! My prayer today is "God, Give me the strength to look for the choices that will benefit my health whether it be exercise or food. Help me to enjoy and find satisfaction from healthy foods. Take away my desire for all the treats this time of year or unhealthy foods. Help me to lean on You for strength and continue to put those who encourage me in my path. In Your Name--AMEN!